Monday, September 17, 2007

SEO Loop Theory

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The SEO Loop Theory
In my travels and work on the internet in search engine optimization, I notice changing trends.  One such trend is beginning to emerge.  I am consistently placing information concerning the keyword term leads.  This has been a real eye opener for me in the way that Google arranges top positions to certain websites.  I have decided to term this the SEO Loop Theory.  I will go into detail below exactly my findings to this point and will report additional information as it becomes available to me.
In the SEO Loop Theory, you would begin at point A.  This is the top position on Google for the keyword term leads.  My ezine article now holds position number 3 on that keyword.  The consistent effort to drive this particular site to the top of this keyword has been an ongoing 10 week process.  Initially, the campaign was effective for the website titled  That particular site has disappeared at the time of the writing of this article, but it will surface to the top shortly.
In continuing on with my SEO Loop Theory, we move to page 2 on the leads category.  I find my website titled currently in the number 3 slot for the leads category.  This has been interesting to watch as this site climbs steadily towards the top of the category for leads.  It has actually held position one for month for the keyword term all about leads.  The interesting point here is that I have done very little in the way of promoting this site.  It surfaced and continues to hold that position effortlessly.  Would it not be nice if seo work could be that easy all the time?  Any search engine optimizer worth his or her salt will tell you that consistently placing keyword specific information on Google will lead to search engine positions.  The whole key is writing great content.  This is exactly where most people are lost as to where to continue.
My next search engine position is page 3 on Google for leads.  This position is for my Veretekk affiliate site also tagged Leads.  This website has been around for over two years and always generates leads for my online business.  This system is extremely effective at lead generation and also teaching search engine optimization methods that work.  I should know as I am an advanced seo trainer for Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling, the owners of this ultra powerful system.  I am consistently building my search engine optimization business by utilizing the fundamental principles that were taught to me by the trainers in this program.  Actually, I knew very little about seo over three years ago, and now I have become on of the most powerful search engine optimizers on Google today.
In viewing page 5 on Google for the keyword term leads, we find one of my blogs tagged About Leads.  This is an extremely powerful blogging system that I use from my hosting company at  This blog is one of my most prolific search engine position gaining systems.  It is so powerful, that I can place content here, and within a few short days, it will surface right to the top of any keyword category I choose.  I realize the ultimate power of blogging and I utilize for myself and my seo clients as well.  There really is nothing more powerful that you can do for your website that use blogging at the core of your promoting on Google.
Here is the way that the SEO Loop Theory works.  You start building websites that are tagged correctly.  You place them live on the internet and start writing keyword specific information on a daily basis.  First, you will see one of the sites come to the top of Google.  It will stay there for a period of time.  You can then begin to check other areas of the same keyword category.  You must have patience here as search engine optimization work is all about consistent effort and patience.  In a short while, you will then notice another site coming to the top.  In checking deeper on the Google search, you will find other information that you have placed.
You will notice at some point that your main site will fall from the pages of Google all together.  This is a very common occurrence.  It is nothing to be concerned with.  You simply keep placing relevant information daily and it will come back.  You will then notice another up and coming site starting to make the climb to the summit.  This site will stay for a period of time in the top position.  And the movement continues right on this way to infinity.  You begin to understand that this way of promoting effectively on Google is very substantial to you as you will have additional sites doing exactly the same path to the page one position.  This is very powerful for you in terms of exposure on the search engines, in high traffic areas for your sites.  When you write great information that people can use in building their online businesses, then you have cracked the code on internet marketing.  Most people will not have the patience and determination it requires to be successful on the internet.  They lose focus and just join something else with the exact same results.  Everyone seems to be searching for that magic button, but there simply are no such buttons in this highly competitive business.
In closing, you must consider that you may not see the same results here in my hyperlinks.  Google is a dynamically changing site with new information coming all the time.  You must simply place keyword rich content on a daily basis, tag your sites properly and you will receive prominence and notoriety on the search engines.  By the way, if you are curious about how I drew the image in the jpeg, I used my web conferencing room.  Those Vereconference web conferencing systems are simply incredible as to how you can use them.  I train people in the art of search engine optimization and search engine marketing.  I also invite people to login to my web conferencing room anytime for a free view to a professional web conferencing system and how that they too, can use the web conferencing services from Vereconference to build their businesses.  I trust that this information has been helpful.
Butch Hamilton-Search Engine Optimizer-Advanced SEO Trainer for Veretekk

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