Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Lead Generation, Is Anyone Really Giving Away Gold?


When you type into Google the word lead generation you get page after page of information using the word lead generation as their key word.   There are tons of information about lead generation, and many companies that are selling leads. 


In Wikipedia  Lead generation, is a marketing term that refers to the creation or generation of prospective consumer interest or inquiry into a business' products or services. Often lead generation is associated with marketing activity targeted at generating sales opportunities for a company's sales force. Therefore a lead is correctly described as information regarding or provided by a consumer that may be interested in making a purchase. Whereas, generation is one of a myriad of activities that may produce that information and perceived interest


How many companies' leads actually fit the above description?  I would suggest very few!  There are a lot of companies that profess, their leads are the best.  If their leads were the best the premium price for purchasing a lead would be astronomical.  Instead they advertise leads for a nominal price.   If these leads were qualified than these companies are giving away gold.  I suggest again that these companies' leaders are not stupid and would never give away something of tremendous value for a low price.


I have read about people who have purchased leads only to find out that the people they're calling have been called multiple times by many different people in different industries. I have personally spoken to people who have called leads, that they had purchased, to find the individuals on the other end of the phone expressing their concern that their being called over and over again, by people trying to sell the things.


The best way to get qualified leads is to grow them yourself! One of the best systems available is Leads-O-Matic. Using this system you will be able to generate amazing leads, and in many cases have people contact you for your goods and services. If you want to listen to how Leads-O-Matic works simply click here and you can hear an interview with me and the Head Master Distributor of Leads-O-Matic. This interview will actually give you insight into the inter workings of the Leads-O-Matic system and how it can benefit you and your business.


When you sign up for Leads-O-Matic, the cost is simply $10.00 per month, but the lead generation over time produces much greater value. In addition to Leads-O-Matic you might want to try the Veretekk system, which is free, where you can get online SEO training at no cost.


The old saying " give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat forever." The old saying further goes on " but beware of people selling fish".


Leads-O-Matic is the rod the real and bait!


Dr. Raymond Jewell


Master Distributor


Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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