Monday, October 01, 2007


When you really think about it, the whole idea of marketing on the internet is a total mystery to most people.  I am not saying that people are unintelligent, they just need guidance and direction.  You will be trying to approach people from all walks of life.  Perhaps, someone has just bought their first computer.  They typed in something and found your page.  They may not even know at this point what a website really is, what it can do or certainly know anything at all about starting a business.  They just have a dream and the desire and their journey begins.
Mr. or Ms. newbie marketer is going to hit every contact form on the planet.  They are going to be getting a tremendous amount of emails that are going to be telling them of the latest and greatest.  So here you are, trying to convince these people that you have the best program since sliced bread.  How are you going to reach that person on a level that they can understand?  Its really simply when you think about it.  You are simply going to write like you talk on your websites.  You don't need fancy graphics, cute music, flashing banners and all the other elements I see on sites all the time.  All a website is (or should be) is information.  You lead them through a series of text, tell a little about yourself, give them solutions and give them the benefits for joining your program, and you have a shot at making a sale.
Now you have that site into place and you are ready to make money, right?  Where do you start in promoting that website?  I suppose that you could go out to Craigslist and start writing thousands of classified ads, but you must understand one critical thing here.  Everyone else is doing exactly the same thing, just in a different way.  So what is the work around to the problem of no traffic, no visitors, no sales and basically no one ever seeing your site?
You need to be educated from masters that know the insider secrets of the way that Google works.  You need to learn the art of search engine optimization, search engine marketing and how to gain top positions on Google.  You need to learn the art of producing a website, and then building links that will push your site to better rankings on Google, Yahoo, MSN and the other major search engines.  Hey, Mr. Newbie Marketer, I am giving you real information on how to become successful on the net.  Now if you pay attention to this article, you too can learn to unlock the code to successful promoting on the net.  The two sites below are all that you will ever need to accomplish your goals.  You will learn lead generation, about leads, all about leads, search engine marketing, search engine optimization and much more.  These two words can unlock the mysteries of marketing.

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