Thursday, October 18, 2007



Today, I upgraded another
Veretekk System to the gold. I am continually in the process of configuring the portals to go towards keyword specific areas on Google. I am totally amazed each time that I work with Veretekk. I have configured a few systems this week for other people. Honestly, and I know that Tom Prendergast will back me up on this statement, THIS SYSTEM ROCKS! The power that people have is simply incredible. When you have access to 40 totally configurable splash pages, you have immense search engine optimization tools to work with. The incredible lead generating power is good, but the tools that you have access to for search engine rankings on Google is the real power.

If you know anything at all about the internet, you should know that the entire Google information database is really keywords, ad content and links. When you have the power to configure the traffic portals to obtain search engine positioning on ANY keyword category that you choose, you then begin to understand the raw power that Veretekk has.

This is a real business folks. This is not some software program that makes exaggerated claims like getting you one million visitors to your site within days. This is the honest to goodness real way to learn the art of search engine optimization, search engine marketing, traffic exchange marketing, website production, autoresponder letter creation, html code and more. There is literally NO system on Google today that can touch this powerful internet marketing training, lead generation and seo system.

Here is the deal. If you read this presentation and see the value here, then signup for free, wait for verification email to come to your inbox and then go to the training sessions. We have a full range of trainers working non-stop 24/7 to assist you in the process of building a business, any business, that you wish on Google. You do understand that Veretekk is the only 100% spam free system on the internet today. Another interesting fact about Veretekk is that this system controls 2-3% of the entire emails being sent and received around the globe. This is not science fiction, this is the real facts about Veretekk.

Are you a professional business man or woman? Are you looking for the most sophisticated marketing system that you can find anywhere on the net today? Are you needing to learn
about leads, lead generation, lead generating systems and literally every aspect of successful marketing online? Then you have come to the right place.   If you need more information concerning aspects of Leadsomatic and Veretekk, visit us at the forum.  You will see professionial business leaders at their finest.  By the way, I will be tracking the visitors with Veretracking.  Signup for this incredible website tracking system to track the progress of your own sites.  Hey, its my gift for you reading my article.




Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic

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