Friday, November 02, 2007

The Abundance Mentality!

The only thing in this life we can control is
our thoughts, and how we react to negativity. In
this crazy "activity" we do "organized private gifting"
is a good example. What are some of those things.
Well some people LIE, and just can't be honest with us?
People are not home when they say they will be?
People don't return our phone calls?
People say they can't afford it?
People who say they are going to JOIN and don't?
People say they never filled out a form?
People say they were never looking for a home-based business?
People say stop calling, and take me off your list?
People say it's a Scam?
People say it's a pyramid?
People say you are a dreamer and a rainbow chaser?
People are mostly "tire kickers"
People are excuse makers?
GUESS WHAT? You would probably get the same negativity and
frustration no matter what "opportunity" you were promoting.
It is all part of the process! IT IS HOW YOU PROCESS IT!
Now we all know what we don't want what about what we do wan't?
Instead our FOCUS! should be on GRATITUDE, and ABUNDANCE
thinking.  Be thankful first, and know if it is meant to be
it is up to me. I am a great believer in the power of attraction!
I spend 15 minutes everyday "visualizing" my desired outcomes!
I want to attract like minded people, big thinkers, doers, movers,
shakers, world changers. People that will call me, people who are
pro-active and hungry!
I visualize the "happy truck" coming to my door daily with 35 crisp
$100 bills in the package. I see the brown truck  coming around 10:30 am
handing me the envelope. I feel how exciting it is to see all that money.
I see all my bills getting paid and all my debt a thing of the past!
I see my bank account growing with all this income that just won't stop!
I am so grateful I will never have to work the J O B ever again!
Burn this into your brain. FOCUS ON WHAT YOU DESIRE!  not circumstances.
If you are not getting the results you want look at your "internal dialogue"
People are hung by the tongue! $Making Money$ is more mental than physical.
YOU CAN MAKE EXCUSES or YOU CAN MAKE MONEY but you cannot do both.    (Get Your Freedom Back)
Resource Box:
The author, Herb Daly jr. has been in Sales and marketing for
over 30 years, a professional forex trader, and home-based
business enthusiast. If Cash-flow is your objective you can
reach me between the hours of 10am-10pm Est. 781-925-3734

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