Monday, November 05, 2007

The Key to Your Financial Future

The Key to Your Financial Future
Are you aware that you hold the key to your financial future within yourself at this moment in time?  Most people tend to over-analyze and meticulously detail every little thing in order to become successful, but in all actuality, the process is quite simple.  As a matter of fact, I would call it deceptively simple.  In terms of marketing successfully on Google, people buy software programs, automated submission services, pay per clicks, classified ads and all sorts of other so-called traffic generators, when they could simply write a press release and be done for the day.  This is precisely why you read the statistics that 95% of people trying to build a significant business online will not obtain any sort of success.  They overcomplicate the entire process.
Over the last years, I have been heavily into building a substantial and lucrative SEO business.  I have now moved into the area of significantly creating my own wealth via my own efforts.  I also use Jaguar Marketing as another income stream.  Why have I chosen these two business ventures to become involved with?  I will explain in detail my reasons in the article text below.  SEO is a process.  You will never gain instant notoriety and prominence on Google.  No matter the websites that claim this to be fact, it simply is not.  Building via Google is consistent and focused effort.  You notice the title of this article?  The Key to Your Financial Future?  Guess where that will appear on Google.  You guessed it!  I view SEO in a very simple and clear-cut fashion.  You visualize what your objectives are, you proceed to buy keyword specific domains and then you build a search engine compatible website.  That is really all there is to marketing successfully on Google.  No tricks, no gimmicks, no hype and no lies here folks.  This is the entire process.
Building a professional business on Google requires time, effort, consistency, training and a great product.  Enter Jaguar Marketing.  This is the business of choice for myself and many others.  Jaguar Marketing is not about hype.  Jaguar Marketing is real, substantial, professional and with the mentoring from Al Turnquist, absolutely anyone can acquire the mastery that they need to become success online.  Al Turnquist will be the first to tell you that there is nothing easy or quick here.  After all, you are building a substantial professional business.  How many times did Walt Disney fail, before he achieved success?  How many times to Bill Gates fail, only to become the most powerful internet master of all times.  How many times has Tom Prendergast of Veretekk fame been subjected to negativity, complaints, people attempting to steal his database and all sorts of wrongdoings?  I would venture that most of us could not withstand that pressure.  But Tom does and so will I.  I know the absolute power of visualization.  You must first visualize your objective, and then set about the path to obtain the success you desire.
In closing, I will add this perspective in an effort to let you know exactly the process that you need to use to become success.  What is "The Key to Your Financial Future?"  Its you!
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

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