Monday, November 12, 2007

leads from Directories

Shaun McClelland recently found one more way to promote his keywords Internet Marketingmlm leadsmortgage leadswork from home Leadsomatic and Veretekk. To generate traffic to his websites Submitting to Directories Most of the directories charge a fee for listing your website.

Some sites such as Yahoo offer free submission as well. As a Leadsomatic Master Distributor Shaun is researching all ways to get his Leadsomatic Lead Generating Portal highly ranked on Google the No1 search engine. An important aspect of submitting your website to a directory is to have a 25 word or less description of the website. This allows the web crawler search engines to efficiently find and include your website.

Open Directory Project, LookSmart and Yahoo are some of the most popular directory services on the World Wide Web. Go to this site to get info on submitting to Open Directory

Look out for Shaun McClelland SEO and LEADS Specialist next post expanding on Open Directory

Think success in order to succeed

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