Tuesday, November 20, 2007




1 mlm lead blog on steroids


If you're looking for away to get more leads for your mlm program, 1 mlm lead introduces

you to the benefits of bloging for your mlm program. You will want to read this short Introduction to Blog Platforms.


1 mlm leads say's setting up your blog will require a little research and review; you'll need to consider the factors of cost, the time and skills you currently have, and your readiness to learn some new software.  In the experience of 1 mlm lead almost all blog software is very easy to use and offers a variety of plug-ins and other resources to make yours unique.  You don't necessarily need to hire a professional or specialist to start publishing; most blogs can be setup with a few hours, and you can learn how to use them as you go.


1 mlm lead will discuss how to make use of today's leading blog platforms.  The three most widely used platforms include:


"           WordPress

"           Blogger

"           TypePad

Choosing the Right Blog Platform for Your Business


1 Mlm lead say's You'll find a number of free and low-cost fee-based blog platforms available, and most of them use a simple text editor box for publishing.  The cost differences vary depending on the type of blog you are running; if you are going to host the blog on your own domain, you will need to manage hosting fees. 1 mlm lead say's Blogs run within the blog's domain are usually free, but you will not have a simple address to work with.  If you want a unique URL, it's better to consider the different packages, even if you're starting out with the very basic.


1 Mlm lead and the Most basic packages allow you to add your own design elements and start making money with advertisements immediately.  Most free hosts will not allow advertising, which limits your ability to start generating a separate stream of income from ad-clicks and sales.  If you're just starting out, it's best to pick the basic version so you can at least start driving traffic to advertisements like 1 mlm lead.


1 Mlm lead suggests that you next, consider how much you know about blog design.  If you're already proficient with web design and templates, this will be fairly easy, but if you do not know where to start there are plenty of blog templates available.  Blog templates can help you construct your basic site, and then change it later when you need to.  These can be easily replaced with a more comprehensive design, but most blog platforms provide a variety of options, colours, and basic attributes to make your blog stand out.


According to 1 mlm lead Blog platforms such as WordPress can be very helpful in getting you setup with a professional look, especially if you have limited design skills and are not working with a web or graphic designer immediately.  Blogger also offers customizable options, and you'll find a range of colours and styles to choose from.  Moveable type is somewhat limited, but you can still find a basic, well-organized template.


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By Sterling Hayden http://www.smallbusiness-business.com/


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