Thursday, January 10, 2008

Virtual Office of Today

Virtual Office of Today


What is a Virtual Office today? Up until now the term for virtual office represented telephone transferring and secretarial assistance. This really should be called "remote office" where someone at another location is answering your phone for you, and transferring your calls. The "remote office" also provides accounting and many other services that you normally would have if you kept everything in-house or had your own physical office.

The term "Virtual Office" is much different. Virtual means being able to do things at a distance that are normally done in person. The explanation as put forth by Wikipedia is " Early motivations for applying 'virtual' to computers were sharing of actual devices by many users and coordination of multiple processes, as seen with the successful use of the virtual machine approach."

"Internet and communication technology fostered de-coupling of space where events happen, and storage technologies facilitate de-coupling of time between a message being sent and received. These technologies build the environment for virtual work in teams, with members who may never meet each other in person. Communicating by telephone and e-mail, with work products shared electronically, virtual teams produce results without being co-located.

A virtual world is a type of habitation founded upon web technology that allows interactions for pursuits, such as economy and real estate." A true Virtual Office is one that allows multiple people to share anything even though they may be on the other side of the world. With a true Virtual Office you are able to do anything globally that you can do locally. If you think this is a pipe dream than take a look at the free Virtual Office International Symposium and sign up for this ground breaking event . You will learn how to run your own Virtual Office and get top positions on the internet.

No longer is the term Virtual Office relegated to phone answering services and secretarial services in a remote location but now the term is actually a real office on line. You can meet with anyone no matter where they are [As long as they have an internet connection.] and talk, show, share, educate, present, and anything else that the mind can conceive to be done virtually. The limitations are left to the imagination. Today Virtual Office is bridging the world allowing anyone to meet with others no mater where they are in the world. The beautiful thing about this is the cost. For less that the price of a daily newspaper per day you can build your own Virtual Office and compete for business internationally.  

Tom Freidman wrote about the world coming closer together in his book "The World is Flat". He explained that anyone who does not learn how to compete globally will be lost in the next decade and this goes for SOHO businesses as well [Small Office/ Home Office]. Anyone who does not figure out how to compete in a global marketplace will be left in the dust. With the World getting smaller and technology getting more user friendly the chance to compete globally is getting easier and easier. Global competition will increase as more people figure out how to manage it, but for now it's a great place to do business. In our Symposium we will teach all attending how to position themselves in the global market giving them an edge on their competition.

Learning how to market globally requires a different focus. The global focus is one of looking at the world as if you were marketing right next door, but understanding that next door might be on the other side of the planet. What makes it possible to market with a "next door" mentality is having a Virtual Office that allows people to interact as if they were next door. Follow this scenario; someone wants information about a product or service that you are offering and sends you an email. They want answers and a response. The traditional method is to write an email back answering the questions that they had and hoping that they sign up for your business or buy your goods or service. What would happen if you sent them a link to your Virtual Office and said you would meet them there at an appointed time. At that time they come to your office and you exchange Q &A's about your products or services. All questions are asked and answered with a personal touch. The potential customers get live interaction with you and come to realize that there is substance behind your business.

How powerful would that be? What do you think the people worlds away would think about how you conduct your business? What type of example will you be setting for someone else who sees how you do business? How easy will it be for you to have hands on meetings with people who work with you across the globe? The answers are clear.

You now are competing in a global market for pennies. You are becoming an international business with a larger numbers base to prospect. Your marketing strategies are now world wide instead of local, but you are marketing globally using local techniques. Mr. Butch Hamilton, SEO Master and Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Advisor have put together a very comprehensive program that they will deliver to you free of charge through the Virtual Office International Symposium. You can have all this by signing up at at which point you will begin to receive a series of emails that have several tasks to accomplish. This will get everyone on the same page so that no one will be lost at the Symposium.

Thanks for reading,

Dr. Raymond Jewell


Butch Hamilton-SEO Master



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Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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