Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Veretekk Sales Leads

Say hello to Leadsomatic!

But, Leadsomatic is not some old folks home where The Hammer is wondering off to retire... This party is just getting started! Not only does Leadsomatic make this website submission technology available to the masses, it includes its very own, very profitable affiliate program! As a result Leadsomatic is one of your Profit Portals that:

1) Is a great lead generator for your business, and
2) Can be an additional source of income!

You'll get paid for every person that signs up through you, plus you'll share in the lucrative Profit Pool every month! (For more information click this Leadsomatic link.

Leads, the leader is clearly FreefFFAs!

We offer you a wide variety of lead generation systems. From: 1. Targeted traffic 2.
Qualified mlm leads 3. Phone inter viewable 4. MLM targeted leads 5. Customized real
time surveyed leads 6. Basic signups or 7. Customized mlm lead generation, this system has you covered. This system provides quality leads that are exclusively yours.

No worries about rejection with any of the leads this system produces because they are only yours. We don't sell leads. This system produces some of the highest quality leads avai lable for your MLM or Affiliate program and other marketing needs at unbelievably affordable flat rates. From Double Opt In Leads, Phone Inter viewable Leads, MLM Qualified Leads, to Real Time Delivered Full Internet Surveyed Leads. All of our lead packages include time/date stamp and IP address. Find Out Why we have loyal subscribers going back 5 years or more.

With our system, you get complete satisfaction. No more end lessly placing ads hoping
a handful will visit your site and actually fill out your form, no more emailing thousands of people hoping a small percentage will visit your site or hoping your site doesn't get shut down for spam!

Trust us like the thousands of our subscribers do to propel your business to a new
level. We offer you a wide variety automated lead systems to suit your needs costing
you less than a hamburger costs you per day!

All Veretekk subscribers automatically have a free membership in Leadsomatic

It's as simple as 1... 2... 3!

Blast your advertisement to over 2 Billion web sites* as often as you want for only $10/month!

Yes, that's right... 2 Billion websites (with a capital "B"). If you are interested in having your own ad posted across the entire Internet, then Leadsomatic is for you. This incredible tool has been developed over a 10 year period by constantly monitoring the multitude of website systems and services that are capable of recieving remote submissions in order to continuously update the Leadsomatic database. The system has grown from a once impressive 10 million web sites to the current mind boggling 2 Billion sites contained in the database.

With the click of a button you will watch your submission go out to all 2 Billion sites as Leadsomatic goes to work. With a service this great, why not make some extra money?

Let's face it... The Leadsomatic submission system is a service that no online marketer can afford to be without. It offers more value than all other submission systems combined, but costs less than any of them at a measly $10/month! You will inevitably want to tell your business partners and others about Leadsomatic, and we'll pay you handsomely when you do! Leadsomatic offers a very lucrative income opportunity by combining Direct Commissions with an exciting Profit Pool program.

Submit your site free to GOOGLE

Submit your site free to Yahoo

Submit your site free to MSN


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