Monday, March 09, 2009

Money Talks Newsletter

Are Financial Loses Recoverable?

Today I want to point out that the many people who have lost huge sums of money to the financial institutions and financial markets, will never recover these dollars again. The losses are gone! Many financial planners and financial institutions are telling people that if they stay put they will get their losses back. Never in a million years will that happen!

Here is why. A loss is always a loss, that will haunt you until you die. Whenever you lose any money you lose the entitlement of those dollars forever. You will lose the ability to derive growth from the dollars for the rest of your life. Just look at it this way, if you had $100 in the market and the market dropped to $50, you lost $50, correct? If in a few years the market returns the $50 back and you are back at $100, you should have had $150. You lost $50 and will never get it back, it is gone forever. 

No matter what you do you will always have the loss, and further to compound the problem you will lose the growth on the loss forever. So when anyone tells you that you will recover your loss they are wrong. But this is another piece of the miss-information that the financial people and the financial industry put out, expecting the public to not pay attention and take the information as fact. 

Our MoneyTeleSeminars give you basics to know how to understand the real truth. If you want to be able to know how to win in these current economic turbulent times than you will want to come to our "Wealth Recover" Teleseminar. We are processing 10,000 people in 2009 so you will want to get registered ASAP and guarantee your place. With the economy in the position it is, many are looking for ways of becoming more efficient so don't wait. 

Thanks for reading,

Dr. Raymond Jewell, Senior Economist

Dr. Raymond Jewell
Skype: rbjewell

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