Monday, August 20, 2007


Pushing the Envelope About Leads

To become successful in any endeavor in life means having commitment, having the need to achieve, having the tools to accomplish the task and then simply moving forward no matter what the consequences may be, no matter who says what, no matter who says that it cannot be done or any of the other million and one thoughts that cross your minds every single second of every day.

Lead generation is exactly like that. You have an online business that you are needing to promote. You need to learn specific techniques and strategies that will empower you with the ability to achieve the success that you desire. In learning about leads you must consider that your thinking will ultimately determine your results. It all starts with that spark of divine intervention, but then that must be followed with positive focused energy. Without this commitment and dedicated effort, you will be lost in a sea of information just like 95% of people online are faced with.

Any time you think a negative thought such as I am NOT getting any
leads for my business, you have set up the pattern that will make that event happen. This is not theory, this is called universal law. Whatever you think today will show up as an actual event later in time. This has been proven time and time again by the great thinkers of the world. Henry David Thoreau put it eloquently "the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." He was exactly right! Why is this? Their thoughts keep them locked into the non-winning mentality. This same pattern holds true for online business. You absolutely must think yourself into success. That is the first step. Then by conscious action, you put forth to the universe that positive flow of energy that empowers you for success.

Each person who lives and breathes on this planet has choices to make. To succeed or not be healthy...not be prosperous...or to live a life of bitch moan and complain...or to make progressive steps towards living an inspired life. How can I say the things that I say here? I live that inspired life. I choose to be happy. I choose to be healthy. I choose to become wealthy. I choose to do more...have more...become more each and every moment of each and every day. I accept nothing more from life than the best.

In speaking, writing, learning and honing my skills about leads generating systems, I have learned so much over the past few weeks. I was already moving my seo business into new areas, but now, I am even more focused in my desire to achieve my goals and dreams of becoming the best of the best of search engine optimization specialists on Google. I will accept nothing less. I will achieve my goal here as I know its already written on the wind.

You have to decide what you want to accomplish. If you are dealing with people...always...ALWAYS...ask this question of them. Are you wasting my time? IF you can honestly say no, then spend the time with them. If you cannot answer that question honestly, then maybe you need to reconsider your stance. You have 24 hours in a day. You can choose to be productive, or you can choose to waste it. You have that choice.

Generating leads, learning
all about leads, being laser focused on the keyword leads will lead you on an incredible internet journey. If you want to fly with the eagles, you can. If you want to scratch with the will.  Veretekk is that system, that spiritual tool that you can utilize to become successful online.  Without question, there is nothing more powerful, nothing more substantial, nothing more effective on Google today than this system if you desire to become the best at promoting your online business.
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Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist-Head Master Distributor for Leadsomatic

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