Thursday, September 13, 2007

Lead Generation

The Power of Leadsomatic
- by Bill Brine, Lead Generation Specialist

In my previous postings I have often mentioned how the Veretekk Lead Generation System and especially the Leadsomatic Lead Generation Portal are powerful lead generation and search engine optimization pages.

Today I just saw some proof.

While my main business is lead generation, I also design and manage websites for select clients.

One of the websites I manage is for
Frenchman's Cove Resort in Jamaica.

About 3 weeks ago I decided to use
Leadsomatic to promote this website. I did some keyword research on the topic of Jamaica Resorts, and designed some keyword-specific 'ads' to send out via Leadsomatic, using the techniques that I have learned as part of the Leadsomatic Master Distributors group.

Within the last few days, there has been a definite increase in the number of webmasters who request reciprocal links from the website. I checked the traffic stats for the site, and more traffic is starting to come to the site.

Upon checking the website this morning, I noticed that most of the pages now have a Google pagerank of 3! Before I did the Leadsomatic blast, most pages had a pagerank of 0 to 2.

The only thing I have done to promote the website is to use Leadsomatic.

Such is the power of Leadsomatic!

Click Here to Use the Power of Leadsomatic for Your Business.

Bill Brine
Lead Generation Specialist
Fax: 760-280-8685
Generate Your Own Leads with LeadsoMatic!
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