Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Passive Income

Passive Income
Passive income, as seen on the Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia, is defined by three distinctive types.  "There are three types of income—earned, portfolio and passive income. Most types of passive income are derived from rental/property, while other types of passive income are derived from royalties from patents or license agreements.  An income stream falling into this category is one where money is received usually on a regular basis, without continuing effort. This does not mean no effort at all; most passive income streams require great effort to start with.  Passive Activity Income- is defined to include all income generated from rental real estate investments-- regardless of how active the investor is in managing the property or properties.(Real Estate Principles A Value Approach 2nd edition pg.519)"  This particular definition of passive income could be seen as income which requires initial grooming, but after a certain point, begins to breathe a life of its own.  This idea is appealing for online entrepreneurs as the time freedom factor is something that everyone wants to achieve.
In looking at Jaguar Marketing as a true passive income, you would begin this program with a great deal of effort.  The aspect of promoting it on the search engines requires diligence and fortitude, but once the positions are captured, simply refreshing the content is really all that is required.  Looking at the wealth creating system closely, you actually could define it as being passive.  The exclusive membership of jag is very unique.  Its a fact that I am only looking for qualified applicants to join my program.  The appeal for the professional business person is immense because of the ROI (return on investment) is very handsome.  The idea of joining a program that has a track record of over three years on Google makes it very stable.  Al Turnquist is totally dedicated to seeing that his members always receive the freshest approaches to effective marketing and sales closing techniques.  I have yet to attend one of the web conferencing seminars where I did not learn another incredible way to either promote my own system, or hone my sales closing skills to an even greater degree.
Looking at the educational core of Jag Marketing which is called Mentors on a Mission (MOM), and being in the educational realm for years myself, I see this as one of the focal points of this so called passive marketing system.  The incredible database of hands on knowledge that Mr. Turnquist gives his members is truly incredible.  The education that you will derive from MOM, will take you to new heights in your online business experience.  I have been told by many people that the program is well worth the price of admission just for the MOM program.  I whole heartedly agree with this statement.
Another very appealing aspect to Jag and MOM is the fact that the new information and techniques that come from Al Turnquist on how to market effectively, how to close sales, how to become dangerous on the phone and how to run a professional sales force, is truly inspiring to be witness to.  The other insights that you will derive from the qualified training staff is amazing as well.  These highly motivated people are willing to spend their time, here again in web conferencing training done right in the comfort of your home or office, proves that Jaguar is the right organization to be a part of.  I also am very drawn to Jag Marketing as there is never any high pressure selling techniques or over stated claims about the program are tolerated.  We know that we have the most substantial passive income system, and are simply informing people of the benefits they can derive from joining this exclusive marketing system.  I consider Jaguar Marketing as the ultimate business on Google today.  Stay tuned for more articles and insights from Steve Clark concerning passive and residual income systems.
Be sure to take some time to check out my Professional Business Portfolio as well.  You can see that making passive income is a substantial way to change your life for the better.
Steve Clark-Educational Entrepreneur

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