Monday, December 10, 2007

The Truth About Internet Marketing

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The Truth about Internet Marketing

The lies, scams, shams, deceits and downright dishonesty that you will find listed on the internet and Google is astounding, amazing and maybe even a little disheartening. Good people are searching for a way to make legitimate income from home. They need to find some type of job that can reap them financial rewards, and free them from the bonds of the same old day job. They need some type of recognition for their efforts which they are not receiving from work. The need to make more money and actually enjoy their lives, but what do they get? Most of the time, when they join a business online, they receive this great looking website with their name and phone number on it. The guru of the program gets them all excited about their possibilities of making tens of thousands of dollars each week, just by doing what they do. They tell the person to get ten people together on a phone call and they will put those people in the business for them. In other words this person says that they are going to help you build your business.

A week goes by, and no business. Another week passes and you are not getting any response at all from your efforts. You have talked with family and friends, but they are hesitant to join something like this because they have heard that the internet is a bad place. The internet is really nothing but porn and scams, is what they say. The internet is a really good way to lose your identity, lose your money and basically lose any hopes of making money to get away from your job. In other words, you are doomed to fail.

You pickup the phone and try to contact this so-called super networker, but he or she seems to be suddenly unavailable for comment. They are probably sunning themselves by their expensive pool today, and you choose not to disturb them. You are beginning to be educated in the real world of internet marketing. Its about 90-95% BS, and the rest is marginal at best. There really are no super-networkers, there are only liars and scam artists. No one, and I mean NO ONE makes huge money off the internet. Anyone that makes a claim like that is nothing more than a dyed in the wool sociopathic liar. There, I just told the truth about internet marketing in general. There are no people who live in big homes on the top of some exclusive hill, and drive Ferrari's because of the amazing amount of money they made last year because of marketing successfully on Google. There are NONE. This has to be said. I am going to lead you into a world where you have not been before. I am going to share with you, insider secrets on the way that a tried and true internet business is run. I am going to share techniques that actually work, and we are going to fly right past the hype, lies and scams to see if we can tell a real business, from a fake one.   Let me dissect the myths from the realities on Google for you.

You Must Obtain a Full Internet Education First

You must be willing to find a business organization on Google that is geared towards internet education in order to magnify your chances of success. There is no work around here folks. You see, at this point in your internet career, You must be geared towards being educated in the way that the search engines operate. You must become aware that there are NO affiliate websites that will EVER be effective as far as search engine rankings. There are NO programs, businesses, or health food concerns that can or will make you incredible money with no effort. There is NO such thing as automated marketing. There is NO such thing as passive income. There is NO such thing as a free ride. This pertains to life and the internet as well. Wake up to the fact that the entire internet is loaded with nothing but lies and liars. These people are out there for your money. They are out there for your personal information. They are out there looking to make you a lead. They are out there searching for the next patsy to prey upon. Its the nature of this business. I am not going to leave one stone unturned here, in sharing with you the truth about internet marketing.

I have been personal witness to people joining programs, getting affiliate sites, having the "deer in the headlights," dazed and confused excitement concerning making real money online.  The seem to almost view marketing online as something that is done instantly.  In reality, formulating a business plan, working consistently day by day and putting forth a tremendous amount of effort is what is required here.  I will also say that MOST people are not willing to concentrate in that way.  They are posting free classified ads, submitting their sites to safelists and ffa sites and basically hoping and praying that someone, somewhere will see their greatest product and signup.  What a lie!  In the first place, what distinguishes your latest and greatest, from what everyone else's latest and greatest?  Absolutely NOTHING.  I am going to share the reason with you for more than 95% of the failure rate on Google today is because of.

The MLM Flaw

It all begins with the whole process of MLM.  The fact is, that if your best health food product were the best to be found anywhere, it would be on the shelves of any major chain stores across the US.  This goes for every one of them.  If that new money saving gas pill was the real thing, Wal-Mart would have an endless supply of them for the taking.  If that brand new business in pre-launch was real,  professional business men and women would be joining it by the hundreds of thousands almost instantly.  But you know what?  They are not real.  They are nothing but hype.  They are simply a person or two who has an idea how to get rich quick.  They have spent time in researching the reactions that people have when viewing websites.  They have done their homework on how to write copy that draws interest.  They even put their pictures (supposedly) on the sites to make it more appealing.  Oh, if I only had a job where I could lounge around the pool all day!  This mentality makes me gag with disgust.  Look, there is NO program online today that will provide that kind of lifestyle.  I don't care what some so-called super-networker is telling you.  They are lying.

MLM is based upon this theory:

YOU bring in three people...they bring in three...they bring in three and so on to infinity.  In all actuality, you are NOT bringing in customers.  You are NOT bringing in people that are wanting to buy your products or services.  You are ONLY bringing in people who are wanting to start a business.  In other words, those people are NOT going to make you money, EVER!  It cannot be said simpler and more honestly than that.  There is absolutely NO MLM program that has ever been built on anything other than that theory.  That is precisely why no one is making and never will.

You may be thinking that this new pre-launch system is better than that.  It is nothing like that.  Let's dispel that rumor right here.  They are ALL alike.  I have never seen an MLM company that was based on anything but the above theory, even though they call their special matrix different than everyone else's.  I repeat here...NOT ONE is different.  ALL MLM is based on pyramids, meaning you at the top, bringing in other distributors who bring in other distributors.  Note:  I said DISTRIBUTORS...NOT CUSTOMERS.  That is the simplified facts of life folks.  Take this information to the bank, or rather, save your money before clicking the "I Submit" form.  Once you click it, you are then hooked.

This has been a rather lengthy dissertation concerning MLM programs and the way they work.  I have an incredible amount of knowledge and experience in these matters.  I used to buy into this type of thinking, until I became educated in the ways of conducting real and professional business online.  I will continue my ongoing articles concerning the truth about internet marketing.  You are welcome to join me in discovering the real truths and misconceptions. 

CAUTION:  These articles can become addicting, use with moderation.

For more insights and perspectives into The Truth About Internet Marketing, feel free to sign in to my series.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
Fax:  806-874-0036 


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