Friday, September 21, 2007

Lead Generation

Lead Generation is Simple with the Veretekk Lead Generation System
- by Bill Brine, lead generation specialist.

As you know, if you have read any of my
previous postings, I recommend and use the Veretekk lead generation system. First-time clients and people who are looking for ways to generate leads often ask what the Veretekk lead generation and marketing system is all about. I don't really have a set reply to these inquiries. Instead I prefer to write a new one each time I get the question. I find that it sharpens my writing skills and it's also interesting to see how my understanding of this complex system progresses over time. This is my latest reply:

In most online businesses other than affiliate marketing or information marketing, business is done by developing personal relationships with people through means other than or in addition to email. Internet business is all about providing solutions and helping people, not about making sales. The sales will come as people grow to trust you.

This particularly applies to MLM opportunities, where people are trying to build a downline of distributors.

As an MLM distributor, you will be told by your upline to make a list of 100 people that you know and then start calling them to tell them how wonderful your news business is, and pressuring them to join. No matter that most of these MLM leads have no interest in starting a business!

So, when this fails, your upline will then start recommending that you buy lists of 'surveyed leads' which you then call. Usually you are the 10th person they have heard from, they do not know who you are, and are tired of getting phone calls even though they filled out a form somewhere that indicated they were interested in building a business from home. Often they don't even remember that they filled out the form! The result: lots of rejection for the person who is trying to build a downline. It can very discouraging.

I know, I've been there. It's not fun!

Offline businesses as well are always looking for new ways to generate sales leads, and if they are not large enough to employ a sales staff, it can be a real struggle. Offline advertising helps, but online lead generation can bring in many more leads on a more cost effective basis if they know what they are doing.

The Veretekk Lead Generation system, which you can join for free, offers a solution. You, as the owner of a Veretekk Lead Generation and Marketing System, have access to 43 different 'traffic portals' which offer free services to people who are trying to find a better way to generate leads for their work at home business opportunities. Whatever they are doing now is just not working for them.

To use the free services, the leads have to provide contact information and confirm their e-mail address. Bang! You just got an new lead.

You also receive free training on how to configure and market these portals so that they appear on the first page of search engine results for your chosen keyword categories. The portals can also be used to do the same thing for your primary business opportunity.

We also teach you how to do 'reverse marketing' to build up a list of leads who are interested in your newsletter or autoresponder series.

The paid version of the system includes a spam-compliant email system which allows you to set up as many targeted autoresponders as you like, and to communicate with all your leads individually, in groups, or as a whole.

The Veretekk Lead Generation system is also in itself an affiliate program. If you upgrade to the paid version you have the ability to earn commissions from many of the traffic portals, as well as new Veretekk members who sign up under you and decide to upgrade.

Every email that goes out from the system is branded with your name and contact details. Also, every lead you generate is exclusive to you. Unlike the leads that you buy from companies who peddle leads, these people have already seen your name and are exclusive to you. So they will have some idea of who you are when you call them.

It's a great system. I often have leads call ME before I call them. And best of all, no rejection! People are often pleasantly surprised that someone actually called them.

Now, if you're doing affiliate marketing, the Veretekk Lead Generation system can also be used to generate optins for your newsletter or email series. It makes a great and powerful complement to your other affiliate marketing strategies.

So, the Veretekk Lead Generation system offers a complete solution for just about any business which is trying to generate leads, whether it be online or offline. It is without doubt the most powerful lead generation and marketing system on the internet.

With our free training in portal configuration, search engine optimization, HTML, web design, linking strategies, lead generation, communication with prospects, and many other things, the Veretekk Lead Generation system just can't be beat!

And the best part: once you join, you become part of a very supportive community who are all willing to help and who are all building serious businesses with integrity and no fluff.

Veretekk: Test drive it for FREE today!

Bill Brine is a noted leads generation expert who assists small businesses, online or offline, to generate business leads by utilizing the full capabilities of the tools and techniques available in the Veretekk Lead Generation System. He welcomes inquiries from businesses or MLM distributors who wish to reduce their lead generation budget and increase their lead conversions by learning how to generate their own, exclusive, quality premium leads.

More information about the services offered by Bill Brine is available at:

Bill Brine
Lead Generation Specialist
Fax: 760-280-8685
Generate Your Own Leads with LeadsoMatic!
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