Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Blogging for Search Engine Placement on Google

There is an art and a science to blogging.  Consistently posting content, keyword rich content and keyword specific titles can land you top positions on Google.  There are a number of excellent blogging systems available for no charge.  I think this is amazing, since in all truthfulness, people need not pay one dime to become a super seo specialist on Google.  Amazing as this is, it is a wonder why more people are not actively pursuing online careers using blogs.
I am going to talk about one of my favorite blogging systems today.  It is called BlogFather.  Now BlogFather is a relatively new kid on the blog to the blog family.  This system is owned and operated by Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling.  For anyone who has been online any time at all, you will know the name of Veretekk.  This amazing lead generating system, search engine optimization system and search engine marketing system is taking the internet by storm.  It empowers average people just like you and me the ability to learn tried and true systems to become very effective in operating a small business online.
The BlogFather blogging system is free to use.  To signup for your own BlogFather system simply click on the hyperlinks in this presentation.  I will tell you also to be keyword specific when choosing your usernames.  It will make the system even more powerful.  BlogFather blogs capture top positions on Google when used correctly.  By consistently posting your great articles every day, they will gain notoriety and presence and also assist you in the branding process for both your name and your business opportunity.  This simple, yet highly effective way to present your business online is an incredible way to build your online business.
The key to successful blogging lies in the keyword rich content that you add consistently to your blogs.  Remember this, content is king on Google.  I cannot over emphasize this one fact.  If you add  your great articles to blogs every day, you will begin to drive traffic to the website that you are choosing to promote.  Here again, absolutely no charge to you for this service.  The blogging system accepts html code for all you programmers out there.  The presentatations will also automatically house an rss feed for you to place a link to a website you have the control over for constantly changing content.  When you consider that changing content is very appealing to the search engine spiders on Google, you will see the value of consistent posting. 
The importance of keyword rich content cannot be overemphasized here if you are attempting to gain notoriety and presence on the search engines.  You will see a slow steady climb to the top of a keyword category that you choose, traffic to your websites on the increase and an ever important notice of the branding of yourself which is so vitally important to marketing online.  Most people view this process from a totally human viewpoint;  however, to be truly effective, you must move away from your human thinking and learn to become a search engine spider who considers really nothing except keywords, ad content and links.  When you put the pieces of this mindset together, you will be truly amazed at what you can accomplish in a small business online.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Specialist

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