Wednesday, August 29, 2007



Since the Leadsomatic system enhancements on 6/1/07 there have now literally been hundreds of new signups... and hundreds of upgrades to the full Veretekk system! There are thousands of dollars in commissions pending for the month of August alone - and we're almost through the month! The percentage of upgrades to the paid system of total signups since 6/1 is an incredible 28% conversion rate! That is a massive statistic! If you have paid a little attention to the Bully Pulpits from the last few weeks, you can see that as huge a percentage as it has been it's actually increased a little more in recent weeks! Simply amazing specially since we added another 20 SEO portals. Perhaps even more incredible is that for every 6 people that have upgraded, less than 1 has cancelled! Folks that's called retention at its finest!

But beyond the basic statistics, we have received a flood of comments and feedback from Veretekk subscribers about the huge number of premium leads they are being generated by their system... Not just Leadsomatic leads but tons of leads coming in from all of their other traffic portals as well. Do you know why this is happening? BECAUSE VERETEKK WORKS! What's happening is that a lot of you have started really promoting your Leadsomatic site because there is new information and stats for you to use in your marketing efforts. As you do this and people go to your Leadsomatic Website the rest of your system is kicking into gear. Prospects are following the links on your site to your other traffic portals as well. They are receiving your sequential mail sets as they signup into Leadsomatic and your other portals. Your automated marketing system is doing just that! We are pleased to hear from so many people about the great results they are getting...

If you have not taken a close look at your Leadsomatic portal to understand how it can start producing massive leads for your business and a nice passive income at the same time, it's not too late. Go check it out and get to work. You won't be disappointed!

Has you can see, I am not kidding about this Lead Generation System.

They major thing to remember is that YOU have to be the one that make it happen. No one else but you is going to make you successful. However, Veretekk and roughly 100+ fantastic trainers are standing by to help you in person to get your business on the Market. Take advantage of it!

Certified Trainer for Veretekk-Master Distributor for Leadsomatic
Bruno Rioux
Skype brrioux
Phone 1-506-455-4990

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