Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Why Veretekk Leads in Lead Generation

As a lead generation specialist,  am always looking at lead generation systems to get new ideas for my own lead generation efforts.

Recently, I was given a glimpse into a new lead generation and management system that has been introduced to an MLM opportunity in the Health and Wellness industry that I am considering. I won't mention the name of the company, since, as with many such companies, one is not allowed to mention the name without company approval.  Never understood that, actually - seems to me it would be very difficult to brand the name.  I will call it the HBB System for convenience.

In any event, I looked at this new system and, as I reviewed it, I was struck by how much more powerful the Veretekk Lead Generation System is than this system could ever hope to be.

The HBB System has all the usual things one would expect in a lead generation system centered around email marketing:  autoresponders, prebuilt landing pages, the ability to build other landing pages from company-supplied blocks of code, and a complete communication management system. 

The Veretekk Lead Generation System has all of these as well, and much, much more.

The focus of the HBB System seems to be the creation of landing pages to capture leads.  How does one get traffic to these pages?  Not sure - most likely by word of mouth or email marketing campaigns (which we all know do not work very well any more).  Certainly the only tools I saw in the back office which could drive traffic are the email campaigns.

The one huge thing that is missing from the HBB System is the ability to do search engine optimization, which we all know is extremely important these days to generate leads from the internet. 

There was no ability to change the HTML code through their 'web page builder'.  So much for optimizing the pages...

And, unlike the Veretekk Lead Generation System, there is nothing to support your search engine optimization efforts, such as our SEO portals, and lead generation pages such as Leadsomatic which offer services of real value to business builders.  All that the HBB landing pages offer are the usual blather about how you will get rich if you join the opportunity, and by the way here is our product.  In other words, the usual hype, directed at people who may find the product of interest and have some vague notion that there might be a way to make money doing this, but will quit as soon as they find out there is work involved.

Fortunately for me, I have the power of the Veretekk Lead Generation System at my command, so if I do join this program I will be able to blast their lead generation system out of the water.  I will be able to attract leads who are interested in building a business (as well as trying the product, of course).

Unfortunately for me, the company has made use of this system mandatory.  So if I join I have to purchase and learn another inferior lead generation system, and figure out how to use Veretekk to power it up to the next level. 

This could be an interesting challenge!

I'm up for it, and I know the Veretekk Lead Generation System is up for it. 

What about you?  Are you ready to take your lead generation efforts to the next level? Grab yourself a Veretekk Lead Generation System today!


Bill Brine
Lead Generation Specialist
Ph:   801-289-7145
Fax: 760-280-8685
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