Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Lead Generation

Lead Generation
Lead generation is a topic that every online marketer should become well acquainted with in the formation of building a small business on Google.  Lead generating systems give a great chance of success by producing leads that can be contacted about various opportunities they are involved with.  As professional online marketers, each one of us has a responsibility in telling people the right way to conduct business online.  The process of internet marketing is often thought of just a way to get money from people and leave them in a cloud of dust once the "I Submit" button is clicked.  In talking, lecturing, teaching and motivating people who are currently involved in some way with network marketing, its amazing that very few people know anything at all about how to build a small business online.  They simply join a business venture of some kind, and its almost like they go blindly on the net in hopes that they will find that magic button that will lead to their success.  People struggling and straining are met with an almost insurmountable task of getting someone to even see their opportunity, much less have a chance of actually making a sale.
When you consider that most people use computers for just a few reasons, it becomes clearer about the difficult job of promoting a home business online.  People use computers for email, chat rooms, online shopping with eBay and that really sums it up.  These people are just surfing, looking, viewing sites and basically are just wandering aimlessly looking for something interesting to do with their time.  Online games are a huge draw for people online.  I personally know people that I have talked with that only view their emails once a month or so.  This would lead me to think that those thinking they are accomplishing something huge by doing things like email blasts are simply wasting their valuable time.  These same people could be accomplishing something that is real and significant online, but the thought of actually working with a computer is a total turnoff to them.
So it is with lead generation.  People surfing tend to sign up for many online opportunities.  Most do not even remember what they signed up for and wake up one morning with thousands of eager marketers in their inbox.  These marketers have the idea that these people are just waiting for them to join their program to get healthy, wealthy and wise.  When you  spend money for leads, this is precisely what you are paying for which is absolutely nothing.  These people are not looking to join anything.  These people are not wanting to talk with you, or anyone else, about your great opportunity.  The fact is, most people in today's world have caller id for that very reason.  They will not answer their phone that has a number they do not recognize.  They will not open their email from some hungry email blaster.  They will not talk with anyone who is involved with marketing online in any way.  There you have the basic mentality of internet marketing.  Even if people do join some online business, they are totally lost at knowing what the next step is.  Most people cannot copy and paste, much less run a successful online business.
When you talk about buying leads, any leads, all leads and especially leads that are called telephone surveyed leads and all that nonsense, the lead brokers are basically lying.  This is truth in the best sense of the word.  When you spend hundreds, or maybe thousands of dollars on leads that are supposedly highly motivated buyers, you are buying nothing more than digital space.  You are buying nothing more than a small piece of information that is basically worthless.  Is there a way around this dilemma?  Of course!  You become proficient in the art of lead generation.  You produce your own leads so that when you do pick up that telephone to talk with someone about your business, they have already seen your name.  They know that you are a real person, just like themselves, that are wanting to make a difference in their lives.  They know that you are probably not going to scam them, lie to them, tell them stories of your rich success or any of  the other crap we see every day online.  You have just begun to develop some sort of relationship.  Perhaps they will take note of your opportunity.  No one ever knows the answer to that riddle.
I am going to give you two simple words below that are clickable.  These two words can cut through the mystery of internet marketing for you.  These two simple words can open up the path to actually becoming a true and viable internet professional for the first time.  Learning all you can know about leads is the way.  It is the ONLY way to appoach the art of internet marketing.

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